Great Wall of China Trek – Day 1 – Flying Out

This morning it was alarms set at crazy o’clock for everyone involved in #standrewstrek. The plan was to convene at Edinburgh Airport at 8am to meet the Action Challenge reps who’ll be leading on this fundraising trip to China.

Along with the early morning alarm comes that mild pang of anxiety in the gut; have I packed enough t-shirts and pairs of socks? Where’s my passport?

Married to that is the reality that we’ll be away from family, friends, loved ones for 10 days, counter-acted by the flutter of excitement that big trips like this bring. And then off out into the dark, chilly, autumnal morning we go.

So, the team has all checked in, we’ve got boarding passes in trembling hands, rumours of sore backs and dodgy knees are already been offered, now it’s just a matter of running the clock down until we hit The Wall.

It’s not too late to be involved in #standrewstrek, you can make a donation to support the Hospice using Just Giving. Simply click this link.

Tweet your messages of encouragement on twitter to the fund raisers using hash tag #standrewstrek and follow the updates @standrewhospice.